Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Daemon Assembly Nearing Completion.....

Like the title says, I'm almost done with the assembling stage of the Chaos Daemon army for 40K.  Yes, I'm slow at assembling models.  I want them to look good when I'm done so I'm careful about poses and getting the mold lines cleaned good.  I'm also not sure which I dislike more: assembling and cleaning models, or base coating them?  Both suck.  I'm down to the last 4 models for the 2K list I'm play testing.  After a game Monday night, I'm 0/1 at 2000 points, and 1/1 overall with the Daemons.  I'll play a few more games first, but I'm not sure how much I'll like Skulltaker and the Bloodcrushers.  They're just seem to be SO slow!  I probably just need to figure out how to use them.  Brand new army and all that.  Like I said; play testing.  As far as assembly goes, I need to fill gaps on Be'Lakor (Slaanesh Daemon Prince), fill gaps on the one metal Bloodcrusher I have built, and finish a couple conversions.  Skulltaker is the first.  He's mounted on a Juggernaught, but I'm going to swap his sword into his left hand so I can put reigns (made of chain) in his right hand.  I think that will look pretty good.  The last model will take the most work.  I'm making a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch out of the plastic DP kit.  I've got lots of ideas on this one, but not sure exactly what all will make the final cut and be a part of the model.  You'll just have to wait for pictures of the finished product....hopefully within the next couple of weeks.  Wait For It!

Here's a couple photos of my conversion for The Masque.  I have a serious dislike of the GW model.  I bought the Lelith Hesperax model the week it came out with this conversion in mind.  I finally got around to it!  Its a pretty simple conversion.  I gave her one Daemonette claw.  The other arm is stock other than being lengthened slightly.  The one foot has been sculpted over to make it look daemonic.  Lastly I gave her a couple of small horns....which didn't photograph well.  They look better in person, I swear!  Hope you like it!

You can also see she has a stacked laminate base like I wrote about back in September.  She's pinned and glued to the laminate base, and the laminate base has a magnet epoxied into the bottom.  The plastic base has a scrap of sheet metal glued to it; she's easily swappable to a square Warhammer Fantasy base when the time comes.  What do you think of her?


  1. Where would you say is the best place to see a tutorial on your technique? Like you I don't have the time to pour countless hours into my models, but I want a good product for myself and my opponents to enjoy on the table. Congrats on the GD win btw

    thanks for your time

  2. Hi Parker! Congrats, and thanks for being the first to comment on my little blog! I don't currently have any tutorials up anywhere to demonstrate techniques, but I do have some planned. In the mean time, I'd be happy to correspond with you about painting. Easiest would be for you to look me up on Facebook (Heavybolter Bob), or e-mail me directly at What army is it you're looking to make progress on?
