Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Papa Nurgle is Back!

So, this time I'm going to show you some painting done by somebody else.  I have a gaming buddy who likes to get his Nurgle on.  He's a relative newcomer to 40K and painting, but he likes painting and wants his models to look good.  He also doesn't like playing with (or against) unpainted models.  I really respect that in a fellow gamer!  He'd been pretty frustrated with his painting results.  Combine that with him being crazy busy at work and he had pretty much dropped off the local gaming map.  His motivation had not been helped by his wife being an art major; she can sit down and paint a model in much less time and it looks really good.  Yeah, frustrated would be a good adjective to describe him. 

When he told me he'd picked up a box of the new Plaguebeareres, I told him to meet me and I'd demonstrate the basic techniques I used to paint my unit of Nurgle goodness.  Here's the result:

Yes, I know the bases aren't done yet.  He didn't want me to take them and photograph them yet, but I wanted to show you that it CAN be done!  We spent about a half an hour, or maybe 45 minutes total over two sessions.  I painted one of these models, and James worked on another.  He went home and knocked out the rest.  Win yourself a genuine, original, mint condition, out of print No-Prize if you can tell me which model I painted out of this group.  Yes, a relatively inexperienced painter can get this kind of result with the right methods.  FYI, I'll bring them back for more photos once he has the bases done!

After painting these models, my buddy's enthusiasm for painting has been rekindled.  He's done a bunch of painting in the past couple of weeks, and he's started playing again too!  He's looking ahead to how he might expand his army, and is even talking about what army he might start once he has his Nurgle stuff painted.  He's also making noise about making the trip to The Alamo 40K GT next spring with me.  Say's he wants to give me a run for my money for best painted.  I say, "Bring it on!"

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